lunes, 22 de noviembre de 2010

As a second family...

Everyone has preferences in all kind of things, like music, clothing, clubbing… that over time make us to meet or find people with those same characteristics. Finally all these facts made up some clusters that we know as peer groups.

In my case, I had to fight a lot to make my own peer group because I had to mix my two passions: football and volunteer.

The biggest flag of the wold carried by us!
Some friends and I love football, especially Atlético de Madrid so we tried to find a way to combine our football passion and our desire to help. So when it was the centennial of our love team, with the help of the club, we made a group of volunteers to carry up the biggest flag in the world (1500 m long x 8,4 m width, it was a Guinness record ) from Neptune’s square to the stadium Vicente Calderón.
That was the day when we were born and I have shared a lot of experiences for years since then.

Working with the R.F.E.F

The main values of this collective are giving the best of you to spectators at match’s day and also cooperate with other foundations.
The collective is stratified, yes, it sounds like in the Middle Age but if we want this to work we have to play different roles:
We have the president (David) and a vicepresident (Alberto) who are working at the Club in the Social Area and he has the father’s role at the group. After him are the coordinators (I’m one of them) we have the big brother’s role and we have the worst part because we must to plan the activities, call the rest of volunteers, take care that everything is going well… summarizing we have a lot of working at home. And finally are the rest of volunteers (we have census 280) they are like our children who collaborate at matches and other activities.

You have seen that it is like a “little” big family? Of course is it! J

To sum up I only have to say that I’m very proud of my peer group, because two years ago, we finally made our dream come true: we became an Official association of CAM (Comunidad Autonoma de Madrid).

With the President of the Club Atlético de Madrid working for the iguality on men and women.

Here we are with two football players giving presents to children at the hospital

And also knew us a bit more with this video :)

martes, 9 de noviembre de 2010

From an alien vision...

Hello everyone!

Our teacher said last week that we have to write an essay about an experience that we lived at class.

We tried to understand the education from a sociological point of view and we had to wear on green. Because we are supposed to be ALIENS.

So my experience was this:

We don't have to imagine if aliens exist; because those "aliens" who ask a lot of questions about our everyday are between us!!
And maybe if I travel to another country I would turn into an alien too!

But don’t worry! If I became an alien, I don’t think that I look anything like the aliens in such films as "Alien", "Predator" or any other fictional beings from other worlds.

Maybe I’m not "that" kind of alien. 

Because I'm just a foreign-born resident who is not naturalized.

Did you though about this meaning of “alien”?

I’ve always thought that the word “alien”, was a creature from another world. However, one of my best friends is an alien too! =)

His name in Ronny he is from Senegal, and he is living here in Madrid and he don’t have Spanish citizenship, so that makes him an alien.

I hope you liked it :)
See you!

miércoles, 3 de noviembre de 2010

Another place to write!

Hi everyone!

Welcome to my first entry in this blog!

I haven't created anyone before and this is my first one and certainly it’s wonderful!
Because I love writing and I have a lot of papers and notebooks with all the things I have written.
Undoubtedly I would make another one for my personal writings J

Well I don’t want you get bored! So I would like to explain my blog’s name: Let’s pretend we’re just to people… and you’re not better than me.
Sometimes when we fight for something we forget that we are wounding each other but we forget the most important thing: we are the same, because we are JUST PEOPLE!

So I invite you to follow my attitude, and when you get angry with someone try to put yourself in his shoes (in my case, his glasses).

Have fun and enjoy the life!

See you!