miércoles, 3 de noviembre de 2010

Another place to write!

Hi everyone!

Welcome to my first entry in this blog!

I haven't created anyone before and this is my first one and certainly it’s wonderful!
Because I love writing and I have a lot of papers and notebooks with all the things I have written.
Undoubtedly I would make another one for my personal writings J

Well I don’t want you get bored! So I would like to explain my blog’s name: Let’s pretend we’re just to people… and you’re not better than me.
Sometimes when we fight for something we forget that we are wounding each other but we forget the most important thing: we are the same, because we are JUST PEOPLE!

So I invite you to follow my attitude, and when you get angry with someone try to put yourself in his shoes (in my case, his glasses).

Have fun and enjoy the life!

See you!

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